Advanced Interactions

This page will describe how to create lotties with advanced interactivity, specifically when used with lottie-web player.

This page is divided into "levels", each level adds more obscure features which are less portable but add increased interaction capabilities.

There are 9 levels below Regular Lottie, which is the same as the number of circles of hell in Dante's Inferno. Reader discretion is advised.

The techniques described below require knowledge on the following topics:

Level 0: Regular Lotties

Lotties can play an animation, loading an animation looks something like this:

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 360,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 360,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [256, 256]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 200},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "r": {"a": 1, "k": [
                        {"t": 0, "s": [0], "o": {"x": 0, "y": 0}, "i": {"x": 1, "y": 1}},
                        {"t": 360, "s": [360]}
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "st",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [1, 1, 0.3]},
                    "lc": 2,
                    "lj": 2,
                    "ml": 0,
                    "w": {"a": 0, "k": 30}
<div id="level0"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level0");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

By themselves lotties just play an animation, but luckily lottie-web provides some utility functions, note how in the Script above we are storing the variable anim returned by bodymovin.loadAnimation.

Level 1: Controlling Playback

You can play around with the anim object like setting the current frame, pausing stopping etc.

There's also the LottieFiles interactivity library that makes some of these interactions easier to create.

Here's an example of a lottie changing based on mouse position:

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 360,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 360,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [256, 256]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 200},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "r": {"a": 1, "k": [
                        {"t": 0, "s": [0], "o": {"x": 0, "y": 0}, "i": {"x": 1, "y": 1}},
                        {"t": 360, "s": [360]}
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "st",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [1, 1, 0.3]},
                    "lc": 2,
                    "lj": 2,
                    "ml": 0,
                    "w": {"a": 0, "k": 30}
<div id="level1"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level1");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: false,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);
container.addEventListener("mousemove", ev => {
    var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
    var t = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width;
    anim.goToAndStop(t * json.op, true);

Level 2: SVG Styling

When using the SVG renderer, you can make use of CSS styling by specifying a value for cl in the lottie layers.

In the example below, CSS rules highlight the lottie layer showing a rectangle when the mouse is over it.

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 360,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 360,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "el",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [400, 300]},
                    "s": {"a": 0, "k": [150, 150]},
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [0.769, 0.851, 0.961]}
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 360,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "cl": "lottie_level_2",
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "rc",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [256, 256]},
                    "s": {"a": 0, "k": [256, 128]},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 3},
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [0.196, 0.314, 0.69]}
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 360,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "el",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [100, 200]},
                    "s": {"a": 0, "k": [150, 150]},
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [0.769, 0.851, 0.961]}
.lottie_level_2:hover {
    opacity: 10%;
.lottie_level_2 {
    cursor: pointer;
<div id="level2"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level2");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: false,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

Level 3: Basic Expressions

Lotties can have expressions, they are basically small snippets of JavaScript code used to modify the value of animated properties.

Below the star rotation is animated using an expression instead of using keyframes.

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 360,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 360,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [256, 256]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 200},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 0, "x": "var $bm_rt = time * 60;"},
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "st",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [1, 1, 0.3]},
                    "lc": 2,
                    "lj": 2,
                    "ml": 0,
                    "w": {"a": 0, "k": 30}
<div id="level3"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level3");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

Level 4: Advanced Expressions

Within expressions you can access properties from other layers, and since they are all JavaScript objects, you can add your own properties to them.

You can make a layer follow the position of another:

// Set the layer position to follow the X position of another layer
var other_position = thisComp("layer_name").transform.position;
var $bm_rt = [other_position[0], value[1]];

Since property values are initialized to their non-expression value, you can't access updated value of the property you are changing from the expression. However you can work around this by storing state in the layer object.

// Get size of the rect
var size = thisLayer.content(1).size;

// Initialize everything at the start
if ( time == 0 )
    thisLayer.my_value = size[0] / 2;
    thisLayer.speed = 60;
    thisLayer.direction = 1;
    thisLayer.prev_time = 0;

// Handle the case when the lottie has looped and time has reset
// as it might not be exactly 0
if ( time < thisLayer.prev_time )
    thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Find the time delta to keep constant speed
var dt = time - thisLayer.prev_time;
thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Increment x
thisLayer.my_value += dt * thisLayer.speed * thisLayer.direction;
var x = thisLayer.my_value;
if ( x >= thisComp.width - size[0] / 2)
    thisLayer.direction = -1;
else if ( x <= size[0] / 2 )
    thisLayer.direction = 1;

// Calculate y based on x
var y = value[1] + Math.sin((x / thisComp.width) * Math.PI * 2) * (thisComp.height - size[1]) / 2;

var $bm_rt = [x, y];

Here's an example:

Note that the JSON uses ECMAScript's backtick string syntax for clarity, in a real Lottie file you'd need to put it into a single line.

Newlines in the expression string work fine as long as the last line of the expression doesn't end in a single line comment.

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 60,
            "st": 0,
            "nm": "layer_name",
            "ks": {
                "p": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [0, 256],
                    "x": `
// Get size of the rect
var size = thisLayer.content(1).size;

// Initialize everything at the start
if ( time == 0 )
    thisLayer.my_value = size[0] / 2;
    thisLayer.speed = 120;
    thisLayer.direction = 1;
    thisLayer.prev_time = 0;

// Handle the case when the lottie has looped and time has reset
// as it might not be exactly 0
if ( time < thisLayer.prev_time )
    thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Find the time delta to keep constant speed
var dt = time - thisLayer.prev_time;
thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Increment x
thisLayer.my_value += dt * thisLayer.speed * thisLayer.direction;
var x = thisLayer.my_value;
if ( x >= thisComp.width - size[0] / 2)
    thisLayer.direction = -1;
else if ( x <= size[0] / 2 )
    thisLayer.direction = 1;

// Calculate y based on x
var y = value[1] + Math.sin((x / thisComp.width) * Math.PI * 2) * (thisComp.height - size[1]) / 2;

var $bm_rt = [x, y];
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "rc",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0]},
                    "s": {"a": 0, "k": [80, 80]},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 3},
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [0.196, 0.314, 0.69]}
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 3600,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {
                "p": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [0, 256],
                    "x": `
// Set the layer position to follow the X position of another layer
var other_position = thisComp("layer_name").transform.position;
var $bm_rt = [other_position[0], value[1]];
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "el",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0]},
                    "s": {"a": 0, "k": [150, 150]},
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [0.769, 0.851, 0.961]}
<div id="level4"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level4");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

Level 5: Breaking Time

In the previous examples, we had a condition at the start of some expressions initializing custom attributes when time is equal to 0.

if ( time == 0 )
    thisLayer.my_property = "some value";

This works because the first frame is always at time 0 but it isn't a super reliable check: when the player loops, the time can go back to 0 which would result in your properties being initialized again.

If you want your interactions to carry over across loops, a better approach is to use a condition where you check for undefined layer properties:

if ( thisLayer.my_property === undefined )
    thisLayer.my_property = "some value";

For smooth value increments, we need to properly handle the time variable within expressions. Similarly to what we've done before the following example shows how to initialize and update a variable over time;

// Initialization
if ( thisLayer.last_time === undefined )
    thisLayer.last_time = time;
    thisLayer.value = 0;
    thisLayer.speed = 600;

// Handle looping
if ( time < thisLayer.last_time )
    thisLayer.last_time = time;

// `dt` is the time since the last expression evaluation in seconds
var dt = time - thisLayer.last_time;

// Update the time management variable
thisLayer.last_time = time;

// Increment
thisLayer.value = dt * thisLayer.speed;

This approach allows you to change values regardless of playback speed and framerate. I also allows you to continue the movement when the lottie reaches its last frame and starts looping.

In the following example, the lottie is set to loop every second but it keeps going indefinitely because of the time management setup:

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "nm": "star",
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 60,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {
                "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0], "x": `
// Initialization
if ( thisLayer.prev_time === undefined )
    thisLayer.px = thisComp.width / 2; = thisComp.height / 2;

    thisLayer.dx = 1;
    thisLayer.dy = 1;
    thisLayer.prev_time = 0;

// Time management
if ( time < thisLayer.prev_time )
    thisLayer.prev_time = time;
var dt = time - thisLayer.prev_time;
thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Animation
thisLayer.px += thisLayer.dx * dt * 100; += thisLayer.dy * dt * 120;

var radius = thisLayer.content(1).outerRadius;
if ( thisLayer.px < radius )
    thisLayer.dx = 1;
else if ( thisLayer.px > thisComp.width - radius )
    thisLayer.dx = -1;
if ( < radius )
    thisLayer.dy = 1;
else if ( > thisComp.height - radius )
    thisLayer.dy = -1;

// Set value
var $bm_rt = [thisLayer.px,];
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 70},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 40},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [1, 1, 0.3],
<div id="level5"></div>
var options = {
    container: document.getElementById("level5"),
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

Level 6: Injecting Data

Remember the anim object we get from lottie-web? It's the key for more advanced interactions.

Internally it stores its lottie structure and the objects being passed to expression as thisComp and thisLayer. Being able to access these objects allows us to pass data directly to the lottie expressions.

The object corresponding to thisComp can be accessed as anim.renderer.compInterface, and from there you can get the layers by name or index (see the Composition expression object).

In the example below the rotation direction and color of the star change based on whether the mouse is over the element containing the lottie.

// Time management as before
if ( time == 0 )
    thisLayer.angle = 0;
    thisLayer.prev_time = 0;
if ( time < thisLayer.prev_time )
    thisLayer.prev_time = time;
var dt = time - thisLayer.prev_time;
thisLayer.prev_time = time;

var direction = thisComp.counter_clockwise ? -1 : 1;
thisLayer.angle += dt * direction * 60;
var $bm_rt = thisLayer.angle;
    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 360,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 360,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [256, 256]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 200},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 0, "x": `
// Time management as before
if ( thisLayer.prev_time === undefined )
    thisLayer.angle = 0;
    thisLayer.prev_time = 0;
if ( time < thisLayer.prev_time )
    thisLayer.prev_time = time;
var dt = time - thisLayer.prev_time;
thisLayer.prev_time = time;

var direction = thisComp.mouse_is_over ? -1 : 1;
thisLayer.angle += dt * direction * 60;
var $bm_rt = thisLayer.angle;
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "st",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [1, 1, 0.3],
                        "x": "var $bm_rt = thisComp.mouse_is_over ? [0.196, 0.314, 0.69] : value;"
                    "lc": 2,
                    "lj": 2,
                    "ml": 0,
                    "w": {"a": 0, "k": 30}
<div id="level6"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level6");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

container.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {
    anim.renderer.compInterface.mouse_is_over = true;
container.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {
    anim.renderer.compInterface.mouse_is_over = false;

Level 7: Automatic Event Handlers

So far the interaction logic has been done by JavaScript on the browser.

In this section we'll add all the logic in the JSON itself and write a wrapper script that sets up the animation.

This allows you to have self-contained lotties you can embed in a web page that will handle events on their own.

Lottie JSON Extension

First thing is to write the expressions in the Lottie itself.

Since Lottie is just a JSON file, it's easy to add custom values:

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "events": {
        "click": "/*event handler code*/"

Now we need to add some JavaScript so we can listen to the events fired by the DOM and execute expressions:

for ( let [ev_type, expression] of Object.entries( )
    let expression_function = Function("event", expression);
    container.addEventListener(ev_type, expression_function);

Preparing Globals

While the above would work, we should expose some objects for it to be useful. The lottie player define a bunch of objects and functions for expressions, but we don't really need all of them since the even handlers only need to pass along the information that an event has occurred.

We will define thisComp and time to be the same as the globals of the same name you'd expect to find an expressions, and pass them to the event handling function:

function event_handler(ev, expression_function)
    var thisComp = anim.renderer.compInterface;
    var time = anim.renderer.renderedFrame / anim.renderer.globalData.frameRate;

    expression_function(ev, thisComp, time);

for ( let [ev_type, expression] of Object.entries( )
    let expression_function = Function("event", "thisComp", "time", expression);
    container.addEventListener(ev_type, ev => event_handler(ev, expression_function));

After this step, you're all set to hanle DOM events automatically from a lottie. The next couple steps add some polish to the event interface for a smoother experience.

Mouse Events

Events like click, mousemove, etc. provide the mouse coordinates, which you might want to access from within the lottie.

By default these coordinates aren't in the same space as the values inside the lottie so we need to scale them appropriately:

function event_handler(ev, expression_function)
    var thisComp = anim.renderer.compInterface;
    var time = anim.renderer.renderedFrame / anim.renderer.globalData.frameRate;

    if ( ev.clientX !== undefined )
        var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
        ev.lottie_x = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width * thisComp.width;
        ev.lottie_y = (ev.clientY - / rect.height * thisComp.height;

    expression_function(ev, thisComp, time);

for ( let [ev_type, expression] of Object.entries( )
    let expression_function = Function("event", "thisComp", "time", expression);
    container.addEventListener(ev_type, ev => event_handler(ev, expression_function));

Now we can reference the position in the lottie expression:

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "events": {
        "click": `
var star = thisComp("star");
star.px = event.lottie_x; = event.lottie_y;

In the example below you can click to move the star to a given position:

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "events": {
        "click": `
var star = thisComp("star");
star.px = event.lottie_x; = event.lottie_y;
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "nm": "star",
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 60,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {
                "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0], "x": `
// Initialization
if ( thisLayer.px === undefined )
    thisLayer.px = thisComp.width / 2; = thisComp.height / 2;

// Set value
var $bm_rt = [thisLayer.px,];
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 70},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 40},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [1, 1, 0.3],
<div id="level7_mouse"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level7_mouse");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

function event_handler(ev, expression_function)
    var thisComp = anim.renderer.compInterface;
    var time = anim.renderer.renderedFrame / anim.renderer.globalData.frameRate;

    if ( ev.clientX !== undefined )
        var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
        ev.lottie_x = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width * thisComp.width;
        ev.lottie_y = (ev.clientY - / rect.height * thisComp.height;

    expression_function(ev, thisComp, time);

for ( let [ev_type, expression] of Object.entries( )
    let expression_function = Function("event", "thisComp", "time", expression);
    container.addEventListener(ev_type, ev => event_handler(ev, expression_function));

Keyboard Events

To allow keyboard events to be fired correctly, you need to ensure the element containing the lottie is focusable.

You can do this by setting the tabindex attribute in HTML or with JavaScript.

<div id="level7_keyboard" tabindex="0"></div>


container.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");

In the example below we'll move a layer based on whether the user is pressing the left and right arrow keys.

A good solution for this is to keep track of which key has been pressed and react accordingly.

The event handler code is simple enough:

For keydown:

if ( event.key == "ArrowLeft" )
    thisComp("star").left = true;
else if ( event.key == "ArrowRight" )
    thisComp("star").right = true;

// Prevent scrolling and other browser shortcuts


if ( event.key == "ArrowLeft" )
    thisComp("star").left = false;
else if ( event.key == "ArrowRight" )
    thisComp("star").right = false;

// Prevent scrolling and other browser shortcuts

We should also reset these when the lottie element loses focus:


    thisComp("star").left = false;
    thisComp("star").right = false;

We need to add some logic to the layer position property:

// Initialization
if ( thisLayer.px === undefined )
    thisLayer.px = thisComp.width / 2; = thisComp.height / 2;
    thisLayer.left = false;
    thisLayer.right = false;
    thisLayer.prev_time = 0;
// Handle time wrapping around
if ( time < thisLayer.prev_time )
    thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Time delta
var dt = time - thisLayer.prev_time;
thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Figure which direction to move
var direction = 0;
if ( thisLayer.left && thisLayer.right )
    direction = 0;
else if ( thisLayer.left )
    direction = -1;
else if ( thisLayer.right )
    direction = 1;

// Move
if ( direction != 0 )
    // 600 is the "speed", you need to consider that dt is the time
    // in seconds since the previous frame so it's usally a rather small value
    thisLayer.px += direction * dt * 600;
    var radius = thisLayer.content(1).outerRadius;
    thisLayer.px = clamp(thisLayer.px, radius, thisComp.width - radius);

// Set value
var $bm_rt = [thisLayer.px,];

The example below shows how to handle keyboard event.

Focusing on the element changes the star color. When focused (blue star) left and right arrow keys move the star in the corresponding direction.

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "events": {
        "keydown": `
if ( event.key == "ArrowLeft" )
    thisComp("star").left = true;
else if ( event.key == "ArrowRight" )
    thisComp("star").right = true;

// Prevent scrolling and other browser shortcuts
        "keyup": `
if ( event.key == "ArrowLeft" )
    thisComp("star").left = false;
else if ( event.key == "ArrowRight" )
    thisComp("star").right = false;

// Prevent scrolling and other browser shortcuts
        "focusin": "thisComp.focus = true;",
        "focusout": `
    thisComp("star").left = false;
    thisComp("star").right = false;
    thisComp.focus = false;
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "nm": "star",
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 60,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {
                "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0], "x": `
// Initialization
if ( thisLayer.px === undefined )
    thisLayer.px = thisComp.width / 2; = thisComp.height / 2;
    thisLayer.left = false;
    thisLayer.right = false;
    thisLayer.prev_time = 0;
// Handle time wrapping around
if ( time < thisLayer.prev_time )
    thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Time delta
var dt = time - thisLayer.prev_time;
thisLayer.prev_time = time;

// Figure which direction to move
var direction = 0;
if ( thisLayer.left && thisLayer.right )
    direction = 0;
else if ( thisLayer.left )
    direction = -1;
else if ( thisLayer.right )
    direction = 1;

// Move
if ( direction != 0 )
    // 600 is the "speed", you need to consider that dt is the time
    // in seconds since the previous frame so it's usally a rather small value
    thisLayer.px += direction * dt * 600;
    var radius = thisLayer.content(1).outerRadius;
    thisLayer.px = clamp(thisLayer.px, radius, thisComp.width - radius);

// Set value
var $bm_rt = [thisLayer.px,];
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 70},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 40},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [1, 1, 0.3],
                        "x": "var $bm_rt = thisComp.focus ? [0.196, 0.314, 0.69] : value;"
<div id="level7_keyboard" tabindex="0"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level7_keyboard");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

function event_handler(ev, expression_function)
    var thisComp = anim.renderer.compInterface;
    var time = anim.renderer.renderedFrame / anim.renderer.globalData.frameRate;

    if ( ev.clientX !== undefined )
        var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
        ev.lottie_x = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width * thisComp.width;
        ev.lottie_y = (ev.clientY - / rect.height * thisComp.height;

    expression_function(ev, thisComp, time);

for ( let [ev_type, expression] of Object.entries( )
    let expression_function = Function("event", "thisComp", "time", expression);
    container.addEventListener(ev_type, ev => event_handler(ev, expression_function));

Level 8: Sound Effects

Lottie web supports playing audio layers with the help of Howler.

By default the level of control you get with sound is rather limited but we can find a way around it.

The issue is audio layers don't have a scriptable property that controls playback which means we can't attach an expression to audio layers.

The trick is to wrap an audio layer into a precomp and to use an expression on its time remapping property.

We can then control playback as follows:

if ( thisLayer.last_time === undefined )
    thisLayer.last_time = time;
    // This variable wil control whether the sound is played
    thisLayer.sound_play = 0;
    // This should be the time in seconds you want the sound to play for
    // To get the best results, it should be just short of the duration
    // of the audio file
    thisLayer.sound_duration = 1;

// Usual time management stuff
if ( time < thisLayer.last_time )
    thisLayer.last_time = time;
var dt = time - thisLayer.last_time;
thisLayer.last_time = time;

// Default to not playing
var $bm_rt = 0;

if ( thisLayer.sound_play > 0 )
    $bm_rt = thisLayer.sound_duration - thisLayer.sound_play;
    thisLayer.sound_play -= dt;

In the example that follows you can click on the lottie to make it play a sound.

The precomp also has a green cicle that shows playback progress.

    "v": "5.5.2",
    "fr": 60,
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 180,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "ddd": 0,
    "events": {
        "click": "thisComp('sound_control').sound_play = thisComp('sound_control').sound_duration"
    "assets": [
            "id": "sound",
            "u": "/lottie-docs/examples/",
            "p": "sound.mp3",
            "e": 0
            "id": "precomp",
            "layers": [
                    "nm": "a",
                    "ty": 4,
                    "ip": 0,
                    "op": 180,
                    "st": 0,
                    "ks": {},
                    "shapes": [
                            "ty": "el",
                            "p": {"a": 1, "k": [
                                    "t": 0,
                                    "s": [0, 256],
                                    "i": {"x": 0, "y": 0},
                                    "o": {"x": 1, "y": 1},
                                    "t": 60,
                                    "s": [512, 256],
                            "s": {"a": 0, "k": [100, 100]},
                            "ty": "fl",
                            "c": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 1, 0]},
                            "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "ty": 6,
                    "ip": 1,
                    "op": 60,
                    "st": 1,
                    "refId": "sound",
                    "au": {
                        "lv": {"a": 0, "k": [100, 100]}
    "markers": [],
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "nm": "star",
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 180,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [256, 256]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 70},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 40},
                    "r": {
                        "a": 1,
                        "k": [
                                "t": 0,
                                "s": [0],
                                "i": {"x": 0, "y": 0},
                                "o": {"x": 1, "y": 1}
                                "t": 180,
                                "s": [360]
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [1, 1, 1],
                        "x": `
var amount = thisComp('sound_control').sound_play ?? 0;
var $bm_rt = [amount, 0, 0];
            "nm": "sound_control",
            "ty": 0,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 180,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {},
            "refId": "precomp",
            "w": 512,
            "h": 512,
            "tm": {
                "a": 1,
                "k": [{
                        "t": 0,
                        "s": [0],
                        "i": {"x": 0, "y": 0},
                        "o": {"x": 1, "y": 1}
                        "t": 180,
                        "s": [0]
                "x": `
if ( thisLayer.last_time === undefined )
    thisLayer.last_time = time;
    // This variable wil control whether the sound is played
    thisLayer.sound_play = 0;
    // This should be the time in seconds you want the sound to play for
    thisLayer.sound_duration = 1;

// Usual time management stuff
if ( time < thisLayer.last_time )
    thisLayer.last_time = time;
var dt = time - thisLayer.last_time;
thisLayer.last_time = time;

// Default to not playing
var $bm_rt = 100;

if ( thisLayer.sound_play > 0 )
    $bm_rt = thisLayer.sound_duration - thisLayer.sound_play;
    thisLayer.sound_play -= dt;

<div id="level8"></div>
var container = document.getElementById("level8");
var options = {
    container: container,
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

function event_handler(ev, expression_function)
    var thisComp = anim.renderer.compInterface;
    var time = anim.renderer.renderedFrame / anim.renderer.globalData.frameRate;

    if ( ev.clientX !== undefined )
        var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
        ev.lottie_x = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width * thisComp.width;
        ev.lottie_y = (ev.clientY - / rect.height * thisComp.height;

    expression_function(ev, thisComp, time);

for ( let [ev_type, expression] of Object.entries( )
    let expression_function = Function("event", "thisComp", "time", expression);
    container.addEventListener(ev_type, ev => event_handler(ev, expression_function));

Interlude: Writing a Small Wrapper

Follows a JavaScript class that sets everything we've seen until now in a self-contained object.

class LottieInteractionPlayer
    constructor(container, custom_options={})
        if ( typeof container == "string" )
            this.container = document.getElementById(container);
            this.container = container;

        this.anim = null;

        this.custom_options = custom_options;

        // needed by keyup/down
        if ( !container.hasAttribute("tabindex") )
            container.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");

        this.handlers = {};

        this._container_event_listener = this.container_event.bind(this);

    // Deep copy lottie JSON
        return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json));

    load(lottie, resize = true)
        // Options
        var options = {
            container: this.container,
            renderer: 'svg',
            loop: true,
            autoplay: true,
            // Clone because the player modifies the passed object
            animationData = this.lottie_clone(lottie);

        if ( resize )
   = lottie.w + "px";
   = lottie.h + "px";

        // Clean up

        // Setup handlers
        this.handlers = {};
        if ( )
            for ( var [name, func] of Object.entries( )
                this.handlers[name] = this.expression_to_event_handler(func);
                this.container.addEventListener(name, this._container_event_listener);

        // Create lottie player
        this.anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

    // Destroy the animation
        if ( this.anim != null )
            try {
                this.anim = null;
            } catch ( e ) {}

        for ( let name of Object.keys(this.handlers) )
            this.container.removeEventListener(name, this._container_event_listener);

    // Get the expression `thisComp` global
    get thisComp()
        return this.anim.renderer.compInterface;

    // Get the expression `time` global
    get time()
        return this.anim.renderer.renderedFrame / this.anim.renderer.globalData.frameRate;

    // Get an expression layer
        return this.thisComp(name);

    // Handles an event from the container element

        if ( this.handlers[ev.type] )
            this.handle_lottie_event(ev, this.handlers[ev.type]);

    // Adds useful attributes to an event object
        if ( ev.clientX !== undefined )
            var rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect();
            ev.lottie_x = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width * this.thisComp.width;
            ev.lottie_y = (ev.clientY - / rect.height * this.thisComp.height;

    // Handles an event given a handler
    handle_lottie_event(ev, handler)
        handler(ev, this.thisComp, this.time);

    // Sets up an event handler
        return Function("event", "thisComp", "time", expr);

Level 9: Patching the Renderer

So far we've used the vanilla lottie-web player without modifications.

This is good for the interactions described until now but for more advanced stuff we need to patch the player.

The code in this level assumes you have a wrapper class similar to the one described in the interlude.


Follows a description of some use cases that don't work with the current approach.

Initializing Values

So far we've initialized custom layer attributes in the expressions using them.

We started by checking if time is 0:

// Initialize everything at the start
if ( time == 0 )
    thisLayer.my_value = size[0] / 2;
    thisLayer.speed = 60;
    thisLayer.direction = 1;
    thisLayer.prev_time = 0;

Since that isn't always reliable, we moved on to checking if the attributes are undefined:

// Initialization
if ( thisLayer.px === undefined )
    thisLayer.px = thisComp.width / 2; = thisComp.height / 2;

While this works, it's a bit annoying because you don't know if you can access another layer's custom attributes on frame 0, so it would be nice to have an event for this:

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "events": {
        "load": "thisComp('mylayer').value = 123;"

We have the options of the DOMLoaded event from bodymovin:

    load(lottie, resize = true)
        // (omitted the part of the code that's the same as before)

        // Create lottie player
        this.anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

        this.anim.addEventListener("DOMLoaded", this._lottie_loaded_event.bind(this));

        // Create a dummy event object and invoke the
        this.container.dispatchEvent(new Event("load"), {});

The issue with this is such event can only be fired after the first frame has been renderer (and expressions have been evaluated at least once).

DOM Events from Layers

Until now the event handling has been done on the container element. Since all the layers result in DOM elements, it would be nice to be able to listen to events from those elements and handle them based on expressions defined on each layer.

    "ty": 4,
    "nm": "My layer",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "st": 0,
    "ks": {},
    "shapes": [],
    "events": {
        "click": "thisLayer.clicked = true;"

To do this we need a way of mapping the layer in the JSON to the DOM element and the value for the expression thisLayer.

All this information is within the lottie-web SVG renderer but we need to find a way of accessing it.

The first step is to allow a layer object to be passed to the events:

    // Handles an event from the container element

        if ( this.handlers[ev.type] )
            this.handle_lottie_event(ev, this.handlers[ev.type], null);

    // Handles an event given a handler
    handle_lottie_event(ev, handler, layer)
        handler(ev, this.thisComp, this.time, layer);

    // Sets up an event handler
        return Function("event", "thisComp", "time", "thisLayer", expr);


The gist of it is we need to path the renderer object and inject our code in some of its methods. Luckily we can do this on the fly:

    load(lottie, resize = true)
        // (omitted the part of the code that's the same as before)

        // Create lottie player
        this.anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);


        // We patch initItems to trigger an event before any expression is evaluated:
        var old_init = this.anim.renderer.initItems.bind(this.anim.renderer);
        var post_init = this._lottie_load_event.bind(this)
        this.anim.renderer.initItems = function(){

        // We patch createItem to add event listener.
        // It takes the JSON layer as input and returns the renderer later object
        this.layer_elements = [];
        var old_create = this.anim.renderer.createItem.bind(this.anim.renderer);
        this.anim.renderer.createItem = (function(layer){
            var item = old_create(layer);
            this._create_item_event(layer, item);
            return item;

        let ev = new Event("load", {});
        for ( let layer of this.layer_elements )

    _create_item_event(lottie, item)
        // lottie is the JSON layer
        // item.layerElement is the DOM element for this layer
        // item.layerInterface is the expression thisLayer object
        if ( ! )

        // Create a dummy element for Null layers and the like,
        // it makes it easier to listen for `load` events
        let element = item.layerElement ?? document.createElement("div");

        // Keep track of layer elements so they can have the `load` event too

        for ( let [name, func] of Object.entries( )
            let handler = this.expression_to_event_handler(func);
            function listener(ev)
                this.handle_lottie_event(ev, handler, item.layerInterface);
            element.addEventListener(name, listener.bind(this));

Now that the renderer has been patched can we be assured the patching is done before the functions we are patching have been called?

The short answer is No, but we can have a look at how we can achieve this.

Abusing Font Loading

When a lottie has external fonts, the lottie-web player waits for every font to be loaded before initializing the renderer. Which means when you have text layers, the code above works perfectly.

This is nice but not all lotties need text so we'll need something better.

Deferring Animation Load

The trick is to not pass the lottie JSON to lottie-web until after we've patched the renderer. This is easy enough because if you call bodymovin.loadAnimation without path or animationData everything will be initialized (including the renderer) and only the JSON loading step is missing.

We can use this to patch the renderer before loading the animation:

    load(lottie, resize = true)
        // Options
        var options = {
            container: this.container,
            renderer: 'svg',
            loop: true,
            autoplay: true,
            // Note that animationData is deferred

        if ( resize )
   = lottie.w + "px";
   = lottie.h + "px";

        // Clean up

        // Setup handlers
        this.handlers = {};
        if ( )
            for ( var [name, func] of Object.entries( )
                this.handlers[name] = this.expression_to_event_handler(func);
                this.container.addEventListener(name, this._container_event_listener);

        // Create lottie player
        this.anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);


        this.anim.addEventListener("DOMLoaded", this._lottie_loaded_event.bind(this));

        // Clone because the player modifies the passed object
        var animation_data = this.lottie_clone(lottie);

        // Load animation separately so we can patch the renderer

Note that anim.setupAnimation is available from lottie-web version 5.8.0. If you have earlier versions, you should call anim.configAnimation instead.

Triggering new events

We know how to make the lottie react to DOM events, but what if we want to make the DOM react to events triggered from the lottie?

We can use the patching setup just discussed to also add events on the other direction, the only thing we need is adding a method to thisComp, so it's invokable from the expressions and make it trigger DOM events.

The trick is to patch thisComp in the right place, fortunately we've already done the bulk of the work so we just need to add some more code when the animation has been loaded:

        let ev = new Event("load", {});
        for ( let layer of this.layer_elements )

        // We add a method for triggering events from the lottie
        this.thisComp.trigger_event = (function(type, detail){
            this.container.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("lottie." + type, {detail}));

Then you can add event listeners to the element containing the lottie animation.

Resulting Wrapper

Here's the same wrapper class as described earlier, but with patching code applied to support the load event and layer events.

class LottieInteractionPlayer
    constructor(container, custom_options={})
        if ( typeof container == "string" )
            this.container = document.getElementById(container);
            this.container = container;

        this.anim = null;

        this.custom_options = custom_options;

        // needed by keyup/down
        if ( !container.hasAttribute("tabindex") )
            container.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");

        this.handlers = {};

        this._container_event_listener = this.container_event.bind(this);

    // Deep copy lottie JSON
        return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json));

    load(lottie, resize = true)
        // Options
        var options = {
            container: this.container,
            renderer: 'svg',
            loop: true,
            autoplay: true,
            // Note that animationData is deferred

        if ( resize )
   = lottie.w + "px";
   = lottie.h + "px";

        // Clean up

        // Setup handlers
        this.handlers = {};
        if ( )
            for ( var [name, func] of Object.entries( )
                this.handlers[name] = this.expression_to_event_handler(func);
                this.container.addEventListener(name, this._container_event_listener);

        // Create lottie player
        this.anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);


        // Clone because the player modifies the passed object
        var animation_data = this.lottie_clone(lottie);

        // Load animation separately so we can patch the renderer

        // We patch initItems to trigger an event before any expression is evaluated:
        var old_init = this.anim.renderer.initItems.bind(this.anim.renderer);
        var post_init = this._lottie_load_event.bind(this)
        this.anim.renderer.initItems = function(){

        // We patch createItem to add event listener.
        // It takes the JSON layer as input and returns the renderer later object
        this.layer_elements = [];
        var old_create = this.anim.renderer.createItem.bind(this.anim.renderer);
        this.anim.renderer.createItem = (function(layer){
            var item = old_create(layer);
            this._create_item_event(layer, item);
            return item;

    _create_item_event(lottie, item)
        // lottie is the JSON layer
        // item.layerElement is the DOM element for this layer
        // item.layerInterface is the expression thisLayer object
        if ( ! )

        // Create a dummy element for Null layers and the like,
        // it makes it easier to listen for `load` events
        let element = item.layerElement ?? document.createElement("div");

        // Keep track of layer elements so they can have the `load` event too

        for ( let [name, func] of Object.entries( )
            let handler = this.expression_to_event_handler(func);
            function listener(ev)
                this.handle_lottie_event(ev, handler, item.layerInterface);
            element.addEventListener(name, listener.bind(this));

        let ev = new Event("load", {});
        for ( let layer of this.layer_elements )

        // We add a method for triggering events from the lottie
        this.thisComp.trigger_event = (function(type, detail){
            this.container.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("lottie." + type, {detail}));

    // Destroy the animation
        if ( this.anim != null )
            try {
                this.anim = null;
            } catch ( e ) {}

        for ( let name of Object.keys(this.handlers) )
            this.container.removeEventListener(name, this._container_event_listener);

    // Get the expression `thisComp` global
    get thisComp()
        return this.anim.renderer.compInterface;

    // Get the expression `time` global
    get time()
        return this.anim.renderer.renderedFrame / this.anim.renderer.globalData.frameRate;

    // Get an expression layer
        return this.thisComp(name);

    // Handles an event from the container element

        if ( this.handlers[ev.type] )
            this.handle_lottie_event(ev, this.handlers[ev.type], null);

    // Adds useful attributes to an event object
        if ( ev.clientX !== undefined )
            var rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect();
            ev.lottie_x = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width * this.thisComp.width;
            ev.lottie_y = (ev.clientY - / rect.height * this.thisComp.height;

    // Handles an event given a handler
    handle_lottie_event(ev, handler, layer)
        handler(ev, this.thisComp, this.time, layer);

    // Sets up an event handler
        return Function("event", "thisComp", "time", "thisLayer", expr);

Animation or Interaction

It's possible to use the custom load to detect whether the lottie is being played in an environment that supports the custom events.

The following example is similar to the click example from level 7 but when a player doesn't have interaction support, the star moves around on its own.

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "events": {
        "click": "var star = thisComp('star'); star.px = event.lottie_x; = event.lottie_y;",
        "load": "thisComp('star').interactive = true;"
    "layers": [
            "ty": 4,
            "nm": "star",
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 60,
            "st": 0,
            "ks": {
                "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0], "x": `
// Initialization
if ( thisLayer.px === undefined )
    thisLayer.px = thisComp.width / 2; = thisComp.height / 2;

    if ( !thisLayer.interactive )
        thisLayer.dx = 1;
        thisLayer.dy = 1;
        thisLayer.prev_time = 0;

if ( !thisLayer.interactive )
    if ( time < thisLayer.prev_time )
        thisLayer.prev_time = time;
    var dt = time - thisLayer.prev_time;
    thisLayer.prev_time = time;

    thisLayer.px += thisLayer.dx * dt * 100; += thisLayer.dy * dt * 120;

    var radius = thisLayer.content(1).outerRadius;
    if ( thisLayer.px < radius )
        thisLayer.dx = 1;
    else if ( thisLayer.px > thisComp.width - radius )
        thisLayer.dx = -1;
    if ( < radius )
        thisLayer.dy = 1;
    else if ( > thisComp.height - radius )
        thisLayer.dy = -1;


// Set value
var $bm_rt = [thisLayer.px,];
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "sr",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0]},
                    "or": {"a": 0, "k": 70},
                    "ir": {"a": 0, "k": 40},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "pt": {"a": 0, "k": 5},
                    "sy": 1,
                    "os": {"a": 0, "k": 0},
                    "is": {"a": 0, "k": 0}
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [1, 1, 0.3],
<div id="level9_parent">
    <div id="level9_not_interactive"></div>
    <div id="level9_interactive"></div>
#level9_parent {
    display: flex;
#level9_interactive, #level9_not_interactive {
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    width: 50%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
var options = {
    container: document.getElementById("level9_not_interactive"),
    renderer: "svg",
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: json,
var anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(options);

var player = new LottieInteractionPlayer(document.getElementById("level9_interactive"));
player.load(json, false);

Lottie Button Example

This example uses everything we discussed so far.

A quick note: to avoid clicks going to the wrong layer we need to define some CSS that gets rid of pointer events for layers we don't want to click.

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 60,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "fonts": {"list":[
            "ascent": 72,
            "fFamily": "Roboto",
            "fName": "Roboto Regular",
            "fStyle": "Regular",
            "fPath": "",
            "origin": 1,
    "layers": [
            "ty": 5,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 60,
            "st": 0,
            "parent": 1,
            "cl": "no-mouse",
            "ks": {
                "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 25]},
            "t": {
                "a": [],
                "d": {
                    "x": "var $bm_rt = 'Clicks: ' + thisComp('button').clicks;",
                    "k": [
                            "s": {
                                "f": "Roboto Regular",
                                "fc": [0, 0, 0],
                                "s": 70,
                                "t": "",
                                "j": 2,
                            "t": 0
                "m": {
                    "a": {"a": 0, "k": [0,0]},
                    "g": 3
                "p": {}
            "ty": 4,
            "nm": "button",
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 60,
            "st": 0,
            "ind": 1,
            "cl": "lottie-button",
            "events": {
                "load": "thisLayer.clicks = 0;",
                "click": "thisLayer.clicks += 1; thisComp.trigger_event('click', {clicks: thisLayer.clicks});",
                "mouseenter": "thisLayer.highlighted = true;",
                "mouseleave": "thisLayer.highlighted = false;"
            "ks": {
                "p": {"a": 0, "k": [256, 256]},
                "s": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [100, 100],
                    "x": "var sz = thisLayer.highlighted ? 120 : 100; var $bm_rt = [sz, sz];"
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "rc",
                    "p": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 0]},
                    "s": {"a": 0, "k": [350, 90]},
                    "r": {"a": 0, "k": 3},
                    "ty": "st",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 100},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [0, 1, 0]},
                    "w": {"a": 0, "k": 1},
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "o": {"a": 0, "k": 50, "x": "var $bm_rt = thisLayer.highlighted ? 70 : 30;"},
                    "c": {"a": 0, "k": [0.4, 1, 0.4]}
var container = document.getElementById("level9_button");
var player = new LottieInteractionPlayer(container);
container.addEventListener("", ev =>
    document.getElementById("level9_outer").innerText = `Lottie clicked ${ev.detail.clicks} times`
<div id="level9_button"></div>
<div id="level9_outer">Button not clicked</div>
.no-mouse {
    pointer-events: none;
.lottie-button {
    cursor: pointer;
Button not clicked


Everything discussed so far was for the lottie-web svg renderer but all the patching works with the html renderer as well.

The html renderer supports 3D layers so we can make an interactive 3D scene with little effort.

The main caveat is that you need to set position: relative on the container element.

On the example below you can click to capture the mouse then have first-person controls.

    "v": "5.9.1",
    "ip": 0,
    "op": 180,
    "fr": 60,
    "w": 512,
    "h": 512,
    "fonts": {
        "list": []
    "assets": [],
    "layers": [
            "nm": "Camera",
            "ty": 13,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 180,
            "st": 0,
            "sr": 1,
            "ks": {
                "p": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
                "rx": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "ry": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "rz": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "or": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
            "pe": {
                "a": 0,
                "k": 256
            "ddd": 1
            "nm": "Move Parent",
            "ty": 3,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 180,
            "st": 0,
            "sr": 1,
            "ks": {
                "a": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
                    "x": "var dt = thisComp.time_delta(thisLayer, time);\n\n            if ( thisComp.mouse_dx )\n            {\n                thisComp.char_angle -= dt * thisComp.mouse_dx / 8 * Math.PI;\n                thisComp.mouse_dx  = 0;\n            }\n\n            if ( thisComp.mouse_dy )\n            {\n                thisComp.look_angle += dt * thisComp.mouse_dy / 8 * Math.PI;\n                thisComp.mouse_dy  = 0;\n            }\n\n\n            var left = thisComp.keys_pressed.ArrowLeft || thisComp.keys_pressed.a;\n            var right = thisComp.keys_pressed.ArrowRight || thisComp.keys_pressed.d;\n            var dx = 0;\n            if ( left && right )\n                dx = 0;\n            else if ( left )\n                dx = -1;\n            else if ( right )\n                dx = 1;\n\n            var up = thisComp.keys_pressed.ArrowUp || thisComp.keys_pressed.w;\n            var down = thisComp.keys_pressed.ArrowDown || thisComp.keys_pressed.s;\n            var dz = 0;\n            if ( up && down )\n                dz = 0;\n            else if ( up )\n                dz = 1;\n            else if ( down )\n                dz = -1;\n\n            thisLayer.char_x += dz * dt * -200 * Math.sin(thisComp.char_angle);\n            thisLayer.char_z += dz * dt * 200 * Math.cos(thisComp.char_angle);\n\n            thisLayer.char_x += dx * dt * -200 * Math.sin(thisComp.char_angle - Math.PI / 2);\n            thisLayer.char_z += dx * dt * 200 * Math.cos(thisComp.char_angle - Math.PI / 2);\n\n            var $bm_rt = [thisLayer.char_x, thisLayer.char_y, thisLayer.char_z];\n        \n/**/"
                "rx": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "ry": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "rz": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "or": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
                    "x": "var $bm_rt = [thisComp.look_angle * 180 / Math.PI, thisComp.char_angle * 180 / Math.PI, 0];\n        \n/**/"
            "ind": 1,
            "ddd": 1,
            "events": {
                "load": "thisLayer.char_x = 0;\n            thisLayer.char_z = 0;\n            thisLayer.char_y = 0;\n        \n/**/"
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 180,
            "st": 0,
            "sr": 1,
            "ks": {
                "p": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
                "rx": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "ry": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "rz": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "or": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
            "ddd": 1,
            "parent": 1,
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "rc",
                    "s": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "p": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "r": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": 0
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "o": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": 100
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 180,
            "st": 0,
            "sr": 1,
            "ks": {
                "p": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
                "rx": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "ry": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "rz": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "or": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
            "ddd": 1,
            "parent": 1,
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "rc",
                    "s": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "p": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "r": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": 0
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "o": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": 100
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 180,
            "st": 0,
            "sr": 1,
            "ks": {
                "p": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
                "rx": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "ry": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 90
                "rz": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "or": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
            "ddd": 1,
            "parent": 1,
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "rc",
                    "s": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "p": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "r": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": 0
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "o": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": 100
            "ty": 4,
            "ip": 0,
            "op": 180,
            "st": 0,
            "sr": 1,
            "ks": {
                "p": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
                "rx": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "ry": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 90
                "rz": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": 0
                "or": {
                    "a": 0,
                    "k": [
            "ddd": 1,
            "parent": 1,
            "shapes": [
                    "ty": "rc",
                    "s": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "p": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "r": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": 0
                    "ty": "fl",
                    "c": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": [
                    "o": {
                        "a": 0,
                        "k": 100
    "events": {
        "keydown": "thisComp.keys_pressed[event.key] = true;\n\n        if ( event.key != \"F5\" )\n            event.preventDefault();\n    \n/**/",
        "keyup": "thisComp.keys_pressed[event.key] = false;\n\n        if ( event.key != \"F5\" )\n            event.preventDefault();\n    \n/**/",
        "load": "thisComp.keys_pressed = {};\n        thisComp.mouse_dx = 0;\n        thisComp.mouse_dy = 0;\n        thisComp.char_angle = 0;\n        thisComp.look_angle = 0;\n        thisComp.time_delta = function (thisLayer, time) {\n            if ( thisLayer.last_time === undefined || time < thisLayer.last_time )\n            {\n                thisLayer.last_time = time;\n                return 0;\n            }\n\n            var dt = time - thisLayer.last_time;\n            thisLayer.last_time = time;\n            return dt;\n        };\n    \n/**/",
        "mouseenter": "thisComp.mouse_old_x = thisComp.mouse_x = event.lottie_x;\n        thisComp.mouse_old_y = thisComp.mouse_y = event.lottie_x;\n    \n/**/",
        "mouseleave": "thisComp.mouse_old_x = thisComp.mouse_x = event.lottie_x;\n        thisComp.mouse_old_y = thisComp.mouse_y = event.lottie_x;\n    \n/**/",
        "mousemove": "thisComp.mouse_dx += event.movementX;\n        thisComp.mouse_dy += event.movementY;\n    \n/**/"
    "ddd": 1
var container = document.getElementById("level9_3d");
var player = new LottieInteractionPlayer(container, {renderer: "html"});
<div id="level9_3d" onclick="this.requestPointerLock();"></div>
#level9_3d {
    position: relative;