

This represents a layer or shape transform.

It has the properties from Visual Object and its own properties are all animated:

Composition Diagram for Transform Transform Repeater Transform Transform Shape Text Style
Attribute Type Title Description
a Position

Anchor Point

Anchor point: a position (relative to its parent) around which transformations are applied (ie: center for rotation / scale)

p Splittable Position


Position / Translation

r Scalar


Rotation in degrees, clockwise

s Vector


Scale factor, [100, 100] for no scaling

o Scalar



sk Scalar


Skew amount as an angle in degrees

sa Scalar

Skew Axis

Direction along which skew is applied, in degrees (0 skews along the X axis, 90 along the Y axis)

rx Scalar

X Rotation

Split rotation component

ry Scalar

Y Rotation

Split rotation component

rz Scalar

Z Rotation

Split rotation component, equivalent to r when not split

or Vector



To make the anchor point properly line up with the center of location, p and a should have the same value.

This example allows you to tweak transform attributes and see how the shape changes.

The anchor point is highlighted with an orange dot.

Sometimes p might be split into separate components animated independently.

Visual Object

Composition Diagram for Visual Object Visual Object Asset Precomposition File Asset Data source Sound Image Animation Effect Value Effect Value Color Ignored Value Effect Value Slider Effect Value Angle Effect Value Point Effect Value Drop Down Effect Value Checkbox Effect Value Layer Effect Stroke Effect Drop Shadow Effect Mesh Warp Effect Gaussian Blur Effect Tint Effect Tritone Effect Puppet Effect Pro Levels Effect Custom Effect Spherize Effect Radial Wipe Wavy Effect Fill Effect Twirl Effect Displacement Map Effect Set Matte Effect Layer Camera Layer Data Layer Visual Layer Image Layer Solid Layer Null Layer Precomposition Layer Text Layer Shape Layer Audio Layer Stroke Dash Graphic Element Modifier Offset Path Trim Path Repeater Pucker Bloat Rounded Corners Zig Zag Twist Shape Path PolyStar Ellipse Rectangle Group Transform Shape Merge Shape Style Gradient No Style Gradient Stroke Stroke Fill Layer Style Bevel Emboss Layer Stroke Inner Shadow Drop Shadow Color Overlay Inner Glow Satin Outer Glow Gradient Overlay
Attribute Type Title Description
nm string


Human readable name, as seen from editors and the like

mn string

Match Name

Match name, used in expressions


Defines named portions of the composition.

Attribute Type Title Description
cm string



tm number



dr number




Slots are a way to define a property value once and use the value in multiple properties. Slot definitions are in a dictionary, the slot definition key is the key that is used to match all properties with a sid field to the same key for replacement.


Defines a property value that will be set to all matched properties

Attribute Type Title Description

Property Value

Property Value

Slotabble Object

Object that may have its value replaced with a slot value

Composition Diagram for Slottable Object Slottable Object Image Slottable Property Color Property Scalar Property Position Property Vector Property
Attribute Type Title Description
sid string

Slot Id

Identifier to look up the slot

Slotabble Property

Property that may have its value replaced with a slot value

Composition Diagram for Slottable Property Slottable Property Slottable Object Color Property Scalar Property Position Property Vector Property
Attribute Type Title Description
sid string

Slot Id

Identifier to look up the slot


Mask for layer content.

Attribute Type Title Description
mode Mask Mode



o Scalar


Mask opacity, as a percentage [0..100].

pt Bezier


Mask shape

x Scalar



inv boolean



Masks provide single-channel coverage information (alpha channel) that modulates the layer's content.

When multiple masks are specified, they are combined (blended) into a single coverage buffer, in order, based on the mode operator.

Masks are specified in terms of a Path plus additional properties. For a given mask path, the coverage Cpath is 1 inside the path, 0 outside the path, and possibly in the [0..1] range along the path edges (anti-aliasing).

The coverage for a given Mask is

C={Cpath·opacity,when inv=falseCpath1·opacity,when inv=true

and the cumulative coverage for all masks is


where the product operator is determined by mode. Then the final layer coverage (alpha channel) is
